Oct 2015 - Editorial Board appointment. Ele joins the editorial board of Frontiers in Pharmacology, Pharmacology of Ion Channels and Channelopathies as an Associate Editor
Aug 2015 - New paper accepted. Stefano's paper on atrial phase-3 EADs is accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Jul 2015 - Travel award. Stefano wins a travel award from the International Society for Heart Research
Invited talk. Ele gives an invited talk at the Sociatey for Mathematical Biology Meeting in Atlanta, GA
First grant for Dr. Grandi. Ele is awarded the Scientist Development Grant from the American Heart Association - celebration on Napa (photos below)

Jun 2015 - Simula summer school. Mitch attends the UCSD-UiO-Simula Summer School
Mar 2015 - Invited seminar. Ele gives an invited seminar at the department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR
Feb 2015 - Platform presentation at Biophysics. Stefano's abstract is accepted for a platform session at the Biophysical Society Meeting. Ele presents and co-chairs the session with Dr. Proenza