December 2019 - Congratulations to Xianwei and Haibo, who received pre- and postdoctoral fellowships from the AHA!!
November 2019 - Ele completed the UC Women's Initiative for Professional Development. What a transformational experience! And got to meet some badass women in the UC!
October 2019 - Welcome to Amene Asgari Targhi, who joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow, and to Helen Chen, a new undergraduate student in the lab!
Xianwei Zhang from the lab presents his project on ultrastructural remodeling in atrial fibrillation at the NorCal Computational Biology Symposium
Ele participated in the Banbury Meeting - CaMKII and its Role as a Self- tuning Structural Protein at the Synapse in Cold Spring Harbor, NY. She presented a talk entitled “Modeling CaMKII signaling in the heart”,

September 2019 - The first UC Davis BPS Student Chapter meeting was a success! If you are a UC Davis student working in Biophysics, consider joining the Student Chapter of the Biophysical Society.
Ele participated in an invigorating professional development program, with some amazing Women In Medicine and Health Sciences.
The lab received a new grant! Ele will lead the computational modeling core in a newly funded collaborative NIH-P01 grant entitled "Elucidating electromechanical dysfunction in heart failure with human stem cells". Congratulations to Dr. Wu, Bers, and Mercola for receiving this prestigious award!
August 2019 - The lab has received a UC Davis Academic Senate New Research Initiatives and Interdisciplinary Research Grant for the proposal entitled “Supporting clinical decisions for atrial fibrillation with machine learning: early ablation or antiarrhythmic drug therapy?” in collaboration with Dr. Uma Srivatsa.

July 2019 - Just received notice of a new U01 grant through the US FDA! Andy (and Ele) will partner with some folks at HESI to work on the Evaluation of Integrated Human-Relevant Approaches to Identify Drug Induced Cardiovascular Liabilities.
New article, new model! Check out Divya Kernik's population of iPSC-derived cardiomyocyte models just published in J Physiol.
Ele participates in her first JPhysiol editorial board meeting. With the words of the EIC, a fantastic day with a huge wealth of ideas to advance the journal and strengthen the physiological community!
Fantastic visit at the Department of Pharmacological Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Ele participated in the defense of Dr. Jingqi Gong and gave a seminar. Great to see both the Sobie lab and Christini lab (on a field trip from Cornell)!
Congratulations to Xianwei on passing his qualifying exam! After 3 long months of hard work, he now has so much more knowledge & a killer project!
We attended the 11th Congress of the International Society for Autonomic Neuroscience in LA and SPARC meeting. Haibo and Stefano presented their poster and had also time for seafood galore!
June 2019 - Fantastic work by the Navedo lab just published in JCI. And there is even a model!
Ele and Haibo attend the Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification of Cardiac Models at the Newton Institute in Cambridge.
Crystal Ripplinger and Ele wrote this review article on antiarrhythmic effects of beta blockers.
Ele visits the Departments of Physiology and Computer Science at the University of Oxford. Fun to see friends and collaborators, and our chair!
UC Davis has a brand new BPS student chapter! Contact Ele (faculty sponsor) if you want to get involved! First meeting and events coming soon!
Pretty cool story from the Ripplinger Lab, with insight from our models, just published in J Physiol. "Different paths, same destination: Divergent action potential responses produce conserved cardiac fight-or-flight response in mouse and rabbit hearts"
Ele gives a talk on sex-dependent classification of drug-induced arrhythmia at the UC Davis School of Medicine Dean's Fellow Symposium.
May 2019 - 40th meeting of the Heart Rhythm Society. Ele received the induction to Fellow of the Hearth Rhythm Society, exemplifying long term commitment to the field of cardiac electrophysiology
April 2019 - Ele is selected to be an Editorial Board Fellow of the Journal of Physiology!
PTX seminar series. Excellent seminar by Stefano entitled "Quantitative systems models illuminate arrhythmia mechanisms in heart failure". Congratulations!!
Alex, Haibo, and Xianwei present at the second Heart Research Day in Sacramento; Allison and Lin-Lin present at the UC Davis undergraduate conference.
Ele visits the Cardiac Bioelectricity and Arrhythmia Center at the Washington University in St. Louis and gives a seminar - nice to speak with a lot of faculty and trainees there!

March 2019 - Biophysical Society annual meeting. First poster presentation for Xianwei, and first senior authored poster for Stefano. Their travel was supported by the Bill Berkten Fund and UC Davis Academic Federation Travel Award). Well done!
Gordon Research Conference and Seminar on Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms. Xianwei and Haibo represent the lab in Barga, Italy! And take a well deserved trip to Rome :)


Feb 2019 - New group members! Welcome to Drs. Andy Edwards and Alex Fogli-Iseppe.
New review article published. Nice collaboration with Drs. Heijman and Dobrev on the use of computational modeling to advance atrial fibrillation therapy.
Stefano's review in WIREs Systems Biology is finally out! Read it here.
Our SPARC team received the Dean's Team Award for Excellence in Research! Articles here and here.
Jan 2019 - Lab Dinner! The lab met to celebrate the end of the holiday season. We had la galette de rois for dessert, and Stefano got to wear the crown.