Dec 2016 - New papers out. A bunch of papers from the lab just appeared online: my editorial on an impressive new paper by the Sobie and Christini labs, Dan Bartos' article on IKs regulation, and Stefano Morotti's paper on logistic regression analysis of EADs.
Nov 2016 - White papers published. Our white papers on the 2016 UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium are online. Read them here.
Seminar. Jussi gives an excellent talk entitled "In silico analysis of translational potential of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes"​
Oct 2016 - Lab guests from Finland. Dr. Jussi Koivumäki visits the lab for a month!
Tenure-track. Ele obtains a tenure-track position in Pharmacology.

Sep 2016 - Visiting the Proenza lab at UC Denver. Ele visits the Department of Physiology and Biophysics at University of Colorado at Denver & the Proenza lab. Fun meeting with Cathy and her team and great to see Dan Bartos!
CinC talk. Stefano gives an excellent talk entitled "Dynamic regulation of pacemaker activity by the Na/K pump" as part of the session on "Electronic and intrinsic pacemakers" of
Computing in Cardiology 2016 in Vancouver, Canada. Ele chairs the session
on "Modeling of Ion Channels and Drug Effects".
Visiting the LLNL. Ele visits the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, hosted by Tom O'Hara, and gives a talk entitled "The salt of the earth: Na homeostasis and Cardiac Arrhythmias".
New review article online. Grandi and Maleckar's take on anti-atrial
fibrillation therapy and the role of computational modeling. Read it here

Jun and Aug 2016 - Simula summer school. Nick participates in the 2016 Summer School in Computational Physiology, hosted by the University of California San Diego, the University of Oslo, and Simula Research Laboratory. See details here
Invited talk. Ele gives a talk entitled "Early afterdepolarizations and Cardiac Arrhythmias" at Cardiostim 2016 in Nice, France.
May 2016 - New paper from the lab. Finally published! Read it here
Grandi is awarded NIH R01 grant. Ele receives confirmation that her NIH-R01 grant "Perturbed Calcium and Sodium Fluxes in Atrial Fibrillation" is approved and will start on June 1!!
Eric Sobie visits the Department. Dr. Eric Sobie wraps up the Frontiers in Pharmacology Seminar Series with a superb talk entitled "Quantitative Cardiovascular Systems Pharmacology: combining simulations and experiments to understand toxicity and efficacy of drugs". We enjoyed Eric's visit!
Morotti receives postdoctoral fellowship. Stefano is awarded the Kenneth M. Rosen Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology from the Heart Rhythm Society!
Apr 2016 - Bill Louch visits the Department. Dr. Bill Louch visits the lab and the Department of Pharmacology and gives a fantastic seminar on "Dyadic Structure and Function in Cardiomyocytes: Implications for Heart Failure"
Mar 2016 - New graduate student. Nick Ellinwood joins the lab
UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium. Drs. Bers, Chen-Izu, Chiamvimonvat, and Grandi host the 4th UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium on K channels. The unique design of this symposia series is to closely combine experiments-modeling to achieve in-depth understanding of the dynamic systems that control cardiac function and arrhythmias
Feb 2016 - Biophysics poster. Stefano presents a poster at the Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in LA (photo at right)
Mentoring award announced. Ele receives the UC Davis School of Medicine Dean's Excellence in Mentoring Award at Early to Mid-Career Level. If you want to know more about this award, please see here
New rotation student. Nick Ellinwood, a PTX student, completes a 5-week rotation in the lab