Dec 2018 - Stefano attends the NIH SPARC meeting in Bethesda and wins the People’s Choice Award at the SPARC DRC Hackathon! Kudos also to Parya from Colleen Clancy's lab!

Nov 2018 - AHA Scientific Sessions. Ele presents at the Arrhythmia Summit.
UW Madison CVRC Seminar. Ele visits the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Great to catch up with friends and collaborators!
We are in the news! Digitizing interactions between the brain and the heart.
Oct 2018 - Vice Chairs of Research talk. Ele presents her work at the UC Davis School of Medicine Vice Chairs of Research.
UCWI Professional Development. Ele was nominated and selected for the 2019 UC Women’s Initiative for Professional Development. The nominee pool was highly competitive, with over 60 nominations for just 18 participant slots.
Postdoctoral Candidate Interview. Diana Chen, a physics student with Dr. Flavio Fenton (Georgia Tech) visits the lab

Sep 2018 - Germany Tour 2018 continues. Ele visits Dr. Dobromir Dobrev at the Institute of Pharmacology, University of Duisburg-Essen and the attends the Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting "The Heart by Numbers: Integrating Theory, Computation, and Experiment to Advance Cardiology" at the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin.
Sep 2018 - Germany Tour 2018 continues. Ele visits Dr. Dobromir Dobrev at the Institute of Pharmacology, University of Duisburg-Essen and the attends the Biophysical Society Thematic Meeting "The Heart by Numbers: Integrating Theory, Computation, and Experiment to Advance Cardiology" at the Max Delbruck Center for Molecular Medicine in Berlin.

Aug 2018 - Germany Tour 2018! Ele visits the University of Regensburg Herzzentrum, guest of Dr. Karin Hammer. Great to see old friends!
New undergraduate student joins the lab. Welcome to Allison Tam, an undergraduate student in NPB!
Invited talk. Stefano attends SIAM-Life Sciences in Minneapolis and gives a talk on using computational models to improve AF-selective pharmacotherapy.
NIH SPARC grant awarded! Colleen Clancy, Fernando Santana and Ele Grandi are the PIs on a new team science award from the common fund program at the NIH. The over-arching goal of this project is to develop a new suite of tools culminating in a computationally based simulator to predict neuromodulation of cardiac and vascular function.
July 2018 - Dean's Fellows announced. Ele is awarded the UC Davis School of Medicine Dean's Fellowship in Precision Medicine! See here for more details.
Invited talk in nerds paradise. Ele attends the meeting on Integrative Cardiac Dynamics at the UCSB Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP).
New paper out! Our review on population-based computational approaches to simulate cardiac electrophysiological variability is accepted for publication in Frontiers in Physiology.
June 2018 - Tenure! Ele gets promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!
First Grandi Lab retreat. We gathered for a productive morning of science, barbecue, and afternoon of play! To improve our team playing skills, we spent the afternoon at the Omega escape room and... made it out!
New paper out! Our Editorial for the Frontiers in Physiology Research Topic on Safety Pharmacology is live here.
New paper out! Stefano and Ele's review entitled "Quantitative systems models illuminate arrhythmia mechanisms in heart failure: role of the Na-Ca-CaMKII-ROS feedback" is accepted for publication in WIREs Systems Biology: read it here and on Advanced Science News!
Frontiers in Pharmacology Seminar series speaker. Dr. Alexey Glukhov (University pf Wisconsin Madison) visits the Department and gives a fantastic talk on sinoatrial node physiology!
It is not summer without the Simula summer school! Xianwei attends the UCSD-UiO Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology in Oslo, Norway (photo with Andy Edwards)

May 2018 - Invited talk. Stefano attends the Heart Rhythm Society meeting and gives a talk on the role of SK channels in atrial fibrillation.
Apr 2018 - Xianwei is accepted to participate in the UCSD-UiO Simula Summer School in Computational Physiology in Oslo, Norway and San Diego.
SPARC Meeting. Ele, Colleen and Tim attend the SPARC Awardees meeting in Bethesda.
Mar 2018 - New student! Xianwei joins the lab!
New paper out! Ele writes an editorial on an exciting new paper from the group of Gary Mirams. Read it here.
NIH K99 awarded! Stefano receives word from the NIH that his K99 grant will be awarded. Congratulations on an outstanding
accomplishment!! We are proud of you!!

Feb 2018 - NIH R01 grant awarded! Our collaborator Dr. Alexey Glukhov receives an NIH grant to study sinoatrial node dysfunction. Congratulations Alexey, we are honored to participate in your study!
Lab attend the Biophysical Society Meeting and UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium. Great showing of the lab the Biophysical Society Meeting in San Francisco! Ele participates in a "Postdoc to Faculty Q&A: Transitions Forum and Luncheon". Interesting talks at the UC Davis Cardiovascular Symposium!
New rotation student. Xianwei Zhang, a first-year graduate student in Biophysics, begins his 5-week rotation in the lab.

Jan 2018 - New rotation student. Gonzalo Hernandez, a first-year graduate student in Biophysics, begins his 5-week rotation in the lab.